Auto Insurance for College Students

Your child is going off to college. There is a long list of things that need to be done to ensure that your child is happy, safe and successful in this new chapter of their life.
Although many college campuses embrace foot and bike traffic in addition to safe and affordable public transportation, it still may make more sense for your child to take a vehicle with them. If this is the case, it's imperative that your child is properly insured. The Personal Lines team at TrueNorth has created the following tips and reminders for both of you to consider:
Changing Auto Coverage
- Not taking the car to college? If your student has enrolled at a college or university over 100 miles from home and has decided not to take the car with them, let your agent know; many companies offer a discount for students that opt not to drive while attending school.
- Taking the car to college? Make sure that your agent has the student's new address, so that information is up to date, in the event of a loss.
- Have good grades? If your new college student has a 3.0 GPA or better and has enrolled as a full-time student, they are likely eligible for a significant student discount. To qualify, make sure you have transcripts ready, complete with the student's name and the name of the school clearly listed. Talk to your agent about whether or not they qualify for a discount. This can be a great way to help offset the cost of having a young driver on your family's policy.
Some Safety Tips to Remember
If your student is traveling far from home, that means a lot of drive time during holidays and weekends. It's crucial to help them develop and exercise good habits that keep them and their vehicles safe.
- Roommates and vehicles. Lending your car means you are also lending out your insurance. Caution your student on letting others drive their vehicle and discourage communal use. If needed, store your keys in a private place.
- Proper documentation and emergency phone numbers. Make sure your student stores all of the documents they need in one secure location in their vehicle and on their person. Your student should be able to locate their auto ID cards at a moment's notice and ensure that they are all up to date. Before they leave, prepare an easily-accessible list of phone numbers for roadside assistance and claims, so that your student has them on hand in the event of an accident or loss.
- Out of sight, out of mind. Make sure that your student understands the importance of keeping all valuables out of sight in unattended vehicles - and always remember to lock them. With more students toting laptops to class, it's important to make sure that if they are not on your student's person, they are somewhere safe to deter theft.
Know Your Coverage
The last and most important thing to consider when insuring your student and their vehicle is making sure that you both have reviewed your coverage and what they mean. If you have questions on your coverages or are interested in looking at additional options, we can help. Visit our auto insurance quote page to see your options today.
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