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Make Home Security a Top Priority

Make Home Security a Top Priority


Keeping your home and family safe should be one of your top priorities, as you rarely get a second chance to take precautions against a home invasion. There are several things that you can do, including purchasing a home security system, which can provide protection for your family around the clock. 

Useful Security Measures

  • Install adequate motion-sensor lighting outside every entrance to your home. If there is an area around your home that does not get a lot of lighting, install additional lighting there as well. 
  • Do not rely on your privacy fence to ensure security around your property. They can actually provide a safe haven for intruders to make their way into your home because your neighbors cannot see beyond your fence. To protect your home, make sure there is a lock on the gate. 
  • Install dead bolt locks on every door to the outside. Locks that have a key in the doorknob will not secure your home against criminals. 
  • Keep your windows locked at all times. 
  • Install a peephole on every door to the outside and a chain bolt lock. 
  • Keep bushes and trees around your house well-manicured and cut low. This will give you a clear view to the outside. 
  • Install timer-controlled lights in the interior and exterior of your home. Place the timers on alternating time on/off settings to give the illusion that someone is at home. 
  • Purchase a quality home security system from a company with a reputable history and track record. 
    • If you own a high-rise condo, purchase a wireless alarm system that comes with a keypad, panel and wireless receiver. The device is hard-wired to your phone line and the door contacts; motion sensors are wireless. A condo is easiest to secure because there are limited entrances into the residence. 
    • If you rent an apartment or townhouse, consider renting or leasing a wireless alarm so you do not make holes in the walls of the unit. 
    • If you live in a home that you own with a finished basement, purchase a wireless system with perimeter protection. If your basement is unfinished and has drop ceilings, purchase a hard-wired system. 
    • If you own a vacation home that is only occupied for half the year, does not get phone services or is isolated, include fire, temperature sensors and/or flood and water sensors on your system. Also, install an outdoor siren and a strobe light that activate when intruders are detected. 

Protection for your home and family.

You can count on TrueNorth for all your home matters. Get your coverage through TrueNorth so you can rest assured that the things and people you love are protected and accounted for. Call us at 319-364-5193, and a personal insurance agent will gladly look over your plan. Find out more about our personal solutions and obtain a quote for home and auto insurance at