Lightning Safety

Lightning storms are incredibly dangerous and more deadly than tornadoes, floods and hurricanes. When a storm is brewing, you and your family should closely monitor the progress of the weather. In addition, you should also recognize the early signs of an oncoming thunder and lightning storm - towering clouds in the shape of a cauliflower, dark sky, distant rumbles of thunder and flashes of lightning. When a storm is on the verge of striking your area, you must take cover to get out of harm's way. Here's how:
Lightning Safety Considerations:
- Seek shelter in an enclosed building, if possible.
- If you are in a car, stay inside and keep the windows securely rolled up.
- Do not use a small shed, pavilion or lean-to as a shelter - they do not provide enough protection.
- Stay several feet away from open windows, sinks, toilets, tubs, showers, electric boxes, outlets and appliances during a lightning storm. Lightning bolts can flow through these items, "jump" to you and give you a jolt.
- Do not use a landline telephone during a storm. Opt for a cellular or cordless phone, which is not connected to the building's wiring.
If someone is struck by lightning:
- Contact emergency personnel immediately and treat those who are unconscious first. A lightning strike can cause the heart to stop and a person to stop breathing.
- Administer CPR to unconscious victims who do not have a pulse.
- Treat conscious lightning strike victims for burns, fractures and other wounds.
If you are caught outside in a lightning storm:
- If your skin starts to tingle or your hair stands up, lightning may be about to strike. Crouch to the ground on the balls of your feet and place your feet close together. Then, place your hands on your knees and lower your head. Try to get as close to the ground as possible without placing your hands or knees on the groud.
- Avoid seeking shelter under trees, near metal fences, pipes or tall and long objects.
- If you are swimming, boating or fishing, seek shelter on land immediately.
- If you are boating and cannot get to shore before the storm hits, crouch your body down in the middle of the boat, as low as you can get.
Planning is important when it comes to preparing for storms, and that includes having the proper home insurance. Contact TrueNorth to learn more about all our coverage solutions for your home, auto and life.