Agribusiness Solutions

TrueNorth's Agribusiness Team is partnering with companies to shift mindsets and elevate insurance from a mere purchasing exercise to a strategic approach to managing and financing risk.
A member-owned, rural Iowa cooperative, Key Cooperative, serves agriculture producers specializing in agronomy, energy, feed, and grain. The organization was facing a hard insurance market in the wake of a substantial derecho storm loss. To meet industry demand, the organization was looking for a broker that took pride in service and communication. They were also eager to work with a partner that could present strategic options and support mitigating risk.
Taking time to inventory their pain points and listen, our team adjusted Key Cooparative's limits and deductibles to better fit their risk appetite and match their finance needs.
TrueNorth provides strategic risk finance options with benchmarks that allow Key Cooperative leaders to make informed decisions. We moved them into a large deductible /alternative risk financing position for their workers' compensation with the opportunity to save them a significant amount of money.
Lane and his team have proven to be indispensable partners throughout the process. They are extremely professional, remarkably organized, highly accessible, and refreshingly candid in their approach. Lane and his team continue to be proactive in pursuing opportunities that will strategically improve our risk management profile going forward.
-Boyd Brodie, General Manager, Key Cooperative
 | See the impact we have on our clients, colleagues, and shared communities in this year's Value Report. |