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Supreme Court Denies Certiorari in CTA v. Bonta

posted by TrueNorth Transportation on Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Law Alert: Supreme Court Denies Certiorari in CTA v. Bonta

In an end-of-term Orders list released today, the Supreme Court denied review of the 9th Circuit's reversal of the injunction against enforcement of California's AB 5 against the trucking industry. As a result, the injuction that has been in place for roughly two years will be lifted quickly and complying with AB 5 will be a reality for trucking companies in California.

Motor Carriers should immediately evaluate their California operations to determine what steps, if any, should be taken to respond to the changed backdrop for trucking.

Scopelitis joined TrueNorth to discuss the implications to operations in California & next steps. 

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TrueNorth has a team of dedicated transportation staff with deep specialization to each facet in the industry. Our solutions beyond the insurance policy help transportation companies reduce risk in new, innovative ways. Learn more about the solutions we offer here or call us at (800) 798-4080.

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