CVSA Brake Safety Week 2023
posted by TrueNorth Transportation on Monday, August 21, 2023
​Did you know that 30%(4) of commercial truck crashes are caused in part by a failure or malfunction in the brakes?
As professional drivers hit the roads each day, safety mechanisms that protect us during our journeys are often taken for granted, when they should be prioritized. One of the most essential components of safety while driving is the braking system of commercial vehicles. Every year, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) dedicates a week to focusing on brake safety, ultimately ensuring the safety and well-being of professional drivers and the motoring public.
Why is Brake Safety Week So Important?
During Brake Safety Week, CVSA certified inspectors examine thousands of commercial vehicles, paying particular attention to brake components such as pads, drums, rotors, hoses, and brake lines. This week gives all stakeholders, to include enforcement, law makers, motor carriers and drivers alike, the opportunity to verify how effective the processes are in ensuring the safety and well-being of our drivers and the motoring public. This week also allows a second set of eyes to confirm how well these systems are functioning. Vehicles with critical brake defects and violations will be placed out of service until the issues are fixed. This ensures safer road conditions for all users.
Did You Know: Every 1 in 10 commercial vehicles are deemed OOS(4)

How TrueNorth Can Keep You Coming Home Safe
Senior Vice President of Risk Solutions Bert Mayo says, “Brake safety and proper brake system operation is a critical component of all commercial vehicles. It allows the driver to have proper vehicle control over his/her vehicle and gives drivers a peace of mind for a smoother and safer journey”. By dedicating a week to focus on brake safety, awareness of this critical aspect of road safety and prevention is raised. John Biblis, TrueNorth’s Senior Safety and Loss Control Specialist says, “Brake maintenance in commercial vehicles isn't just a mere detail; it's a life-saving necessity”. While Brake Safety week is intended to raise awareness, this is an issue that MUST BE FOCUSED ON CONSTANTLY. TrueNorth’s risk solutions team specializes in keeping you safe year-round. Our team offers:
- Driver Awareness & Education
- Manager Awareness & Education
- Risk & Safety Analytics & KPI Dashboards Identifying Focus Areas
- Safety & Risk Councils & Committees
- Safety Walk-Throughs
- FMCSA & OSHA Compliance Training
- FMCSA & OSHA Inspection and Informal Settlement Assistance
- Mock FMCSA & OSHA Inspection
- Safety Policies and Procedures
- On-Site and Virtual Safety Education
- Return to Work Program Guidance
Together, we can aid our employees and contractors in getting home safe and sound each day. We can also help the environment in which we operate is safer for everyone. TrueNorth can assist by identifying areas that need focus, implementing practical solutions that work, staying informed and fostering a culture safety within your organizations. Reach out to TrueNorth’s risk solution team by visiting today to learn how you can be a part of staying safe on the road.

- TrueNorth Risk and Workforce Solutions:
- TrueNorth Communication and Workforce Engagement:
- Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance:
- Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance 2022 Brake Safety Week Results:
About Author
TrueNorth has a team of dedicated transportation staff with deep specialization to each facet in the industry. Our solutions beyond the insurance policy help transportation companies reduce risk in new, innovative ways. Learn more about the solutions we offer here or call us at (800) 798-4080.
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