An Incident Response Plan is a critical component of cyber resilience that supports your organization’s resilience against cyber threats.
While you may have an incident response strategy in place, the real test of it’s effectiveness arises during an actual breach.
- Do you have a cyber response team identified?
- Do the team members understand their role?
- What are your areas of opportunity?
Our engagement allows organizations to enhance their response by gauging their team’s ability to respond quickly and efficiently in the face of a real-life event.

Assist with putting a formal incident response plan (IRP) in place, establishing roles/responsibilities and coordinating with external vendors or insurance carriers.
Facilitate a discussion with the response team to walk through a simulated cybersecurity incident. The scenario is customized to align with your specific operational structure and network architecture.
Following the exercise, you will be provided with a deliverable analysis that identifies your strengths and areas for enhancement highlighting the lessons learned and steps to improve going forward.
Engaging in this process will help place your organization in a better position to react and respond to a cyber incident.
Contact us to enhance your team’s knowledge, understanding and comfort with an Incident Response Plan, so that you feel prepared to put it into action in the unfortunate event of a cyber event.
Want to meet with our Cyber Solutions team?
Fill out the form below, or call Clay Swanson, Cyber Liability Insurance Specialist: 319-209-7186.